Author Archives for Debbie
An End… But Not Really A Goodbye
An End… But Not Really A Goodbye As you read in Adrian’s post yesterday about the ‘secret’ book project, I have accepted (and am totally honored by!!!) his invitation to co-author his book. So, we had to play by the rules set forth from the start (The 7 Golden Rules) and so this is the […]
Ain't No Mountain High Enough.. To Keep Me From Getting to You (My Number)
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough… To Keep Me From Getting to You (My Number) Debbie has told you in previous posts how difficult it was for her to come to grips with both her Life’s Purpose and her Number/Date; yet, she will be the first to tell you how important this has all been! Given […]
My Revised Number (and revised, and revised, and revised…)
My Revised Number (and revised, and revised, and revised…) Debbie and I (as she will tell you) had a lot of fun over this … her original spreadsheet was really just a projection of her current expenses (with some additional ‘do you think I can really afford them’-type stuff) … in other words, it was […]
Debbie's Version of Lee's List
Debbie’s Version of Lee’s List Debbie walks that fine line between describing her Lee’s List in terms that are concrete yet not too superficial – at least it seems that way to me … feel free to cross-reference to her Rear Deck Speech to see if she is indeed supporting her Life’s Purpose. We all […]
… standing with your back against the wall
… standing with your back against the wall I had thought my “rear deck” speech was ready to go. I had worked on it previously in another stage of this experiment and was happy with what I came up with.. The problem is, my life changed direction in the few weeks time that passed between […]
When One Door Closes…
When One Door Closes… …find another one (or climb through the window). In the last two weeks, my life turned upside down, sideways and diagonal! The highlight was being selected as one of the 7 Millionaires in Training, of course – some things happened and turned out just fine, while some of the other stuff […]