Site Archives Making Money 101
Once You're a Pickle
Once You’re a Pickle Diane is embarking on some Making Money 201 activities (part-time teaching; real-estate investment ) and so on … full points for trying! We had quite a few discussions off-line (actually by e-mail, so I guess that’s really ‘on-line’) about RE attorneys, accountants, structures and the like … maybe, we can ask […]
What's Going On
What’s Going On Diane told us all about her revised Number in this comment to my recent post: I worked my number up again last night. If I am getting this part of the exercise, it is to make us take a hard look at our “wanta” haves and look at see what we will […]
Knowing What IS
Knowing What IS “It depends on your definition of the word, “is.” As a student of the English language, I had to agree with that statement. As a student of change management, I heard it again. We cannot change what “IS” until we know what that is. None of us is starting this 7 year […]
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