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By The Numbers…
It seems that the US does stop for 4th July celebrations for about a week or two … go figure! But, just when I was beginning to think that the 7MITs feel that they have enough to go on without our help, Jeff pops up with this interesting post … for all of you with […]
Can You Find Your Number on Craigslist?
Can You Find Your Number on Craigslist? As I prepare for my entry in to MM201, I’m finding that my game plan is changing. My original play book was aimed at achieving an annual compound growth rate of 38%. However, in my previous post, I noted that recent increases in my net worth have reduced […]
Quick and Dirty
Quick and Dirty… I couldn’t resist adding the photo … But, a short post can be a sweet post, if it tells you what you need to know. So, did it? What else can Jeff tell us and what can you tell (well, suggest to) him? _____________________ I feel bad even calling this a “post.” […]
Connecting the dots
Connecting the dots Photo credit: turtlemom4bacon Aside from finding the quality of graphics on this site is definitely on the improve 🙂 Mark has provided a great summary of the steps (and the reasons why) of this ‘grand experiment’ for new readers, even before we get to his table. Thanks, Mark! It looks like Mark […]
You can't get there from here …
Photo credit: Duckscrossing You can’t get there from here … No, Lee, Ryan didn’t go AWOL … just slipped into the ‘think tank’ for a little longer than expected 😉 Ryan explains what this means in his opening, but with this photo, I was as keen as you to find out! He knows that he […]
Plotting the course
Plotting the course Photo credit: nicora I love Mark’s “3 Years To [Insert investment activity of choice: Real-Estate; Stock Investing; Small Business; Online Business; etc.] success …” concept. I recommend that he trademarks it and – at an absolute minimum – registers some domain names now … such domain registrations to last at least 3 […]
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