KLE 105 – Anatomy of a Commercial RE Investment – Part I

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Once you have found an area that you want to invest in; selected the type of commercial real-estate investment (e.g. offices, retail, warehouse, multifamily residential, etc.) that interests you most; and, valued the real-estate (of that type in that area) on a ‘per square foot’ basis (KLE104), then it’s time to move on to analyzing the ‘numbers’ on the handful of properties that look promising.

The best way to do this would be to follow a real-life example … for example, one of my own target investments:

Once you understand how easy it can be to analyze a piece of real-estate worth over $2 million you will quickly lose your fear of investing in any type of real-estate, including commercial.

More than that, you will become one of only a handful of people who truly understands commercial real-estate investing on a practical level. You will be able to move quickly and decisively on deals whilst others suffer ‘paralysis by analysis’ … and, you will become rich in the process!

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In Part II, I’ll step you through exactly how I decided this was the ‘deal for me’ …

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