KLE 19: Your Future Lifestyle Budget – Part II

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If you’ve started thinking seriously about your required day-to-day living expenses (‘required’, so that you can relax into fulfilling your Life’s Purpose), then the good news is that the hard work is done!

Today’s Key Learning Experience is MUCH easier:

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This is almost like shopping without actually having to reach for your credit card, so have fun with it!

Task 1: Refer to your Big Ticket Items List and to Your Life’s Purpose – and, Rear Deck Speech … remember the part where I asked you to complete: “This is all the ‘fun stuff’ that I bought or did (eg cars, houses, vacations, bodybuilding, talk show circuit, etc.):”?

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Name and State (eg John, MO)
List the ONE-OFF expenses that you expect will be in your Future Lifestyle Budget (category and amount)?

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Reader Comments

I notice when you start thinking in terms of what I would only need. I realize I really dont need much. I do know that since, I’ll have the cash, I could live in nice places and have a few nice things. I don’t really need all the crazy stuff though.

@ Zimbo523 – This realization has dropped your Number dramatically, right?

Yes – it has 🙂