Featured Finalist – Shannan

Featured Finalist – Shannan
Shannan provided this great quote as a lead-in to her post: “Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right” – Henry Ford.
Shannan certainly can …
… in fact, she was one of the ones who really jumped into this project, boots and all. Shannan was one of the Top 5 in terms of traffic generation. Check all the links that she has provided and you will begin to see why.
Now, here’s Shannan’s post …
Why does 7 Millionaires… In Training! appeal to me?
Because I want it, I need it, and because I can!
I’ve made some big mistakes with money in my past, both knowingly and in hindsight. I have a substantial amount of credit card debt with little to show for it, I have no savings outside of my 401k, I have no “emergency fund”, I’ve denied myself family visits, volunteer and travel opportunities because “I just couldn’t” save the money for them.
I’m done. I’m ready to be smart with my money and I’m ready to put in the time and effort.
7MIT appears to be one tool I can use on my journey to financial freedom, my journey to the things I want in my life:
- a happy, healthy family with a roof over our heads
- to continue to educate myself and my family
- to travel within the country and around the world as a part of my volunteer organization
- to donate money to those who need it more than I do
- to spend most of my time doing things I am passionate about and enjoy
7MIT will be a resource to help me increase my knowledge about finances and investments, to help me discover what investment vehicles appeal to me and how to leverage that knowledge, to provide me with a mentor who has been there/done that to bounce ideas off of and much more I’m sure I’m not even aware of yet!
AJC asked us to drive traffic to this site and I’ve worked hard on that request to prove to him, to you and to myself that I am one of the 7 Millionaires… in Training! My strategies:
sent a press release to all local radio, television and newspaper outlets, “Local Resident Seeks to Become One of 7 New Millionaires”
sent a personal ask letter to business and financial blogs I enjoy reading, including:
The Big Winner – http://www.bigwinner.org/2008/05/29/7-million-in-7-years-the-best-personal-finance-blog-in-the-world/
Blog Business World – http://blogbusinessworld.blogspot.com/
brip blap – http://www.bripblap.com/
Frugal Dad – http://frugaldad.com/
Get Rich or Die Trying – http://getrichordietrying.us/blog/
Get Rich Slowly – http://getrichslowly.org/blog/
Girls Just Wanna Have Funds – http://www.girlsjustwannahavefunds.com/
Greener Pastures – http://greenerpastures.responsiblepersonalfinance.com/
How to Change the World – http://blog.guykawasaki.com/
I Will Teach You to be Rich – http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/
I’ve Paid For This Twice Already – http://www.paidtwice.com/
Lazy Man and Money – http://www.lazymanandmoney.com/
Lockergnome – http://www.lockergnome.com/
Master Your Card – http://masteryourcard.com/blog/
Millionaire Money Habits – http://www.mmhabits.com/
My Two Dollars – http://www.mytwodollars.com/
No Debt Plan – http://www.nodebtplan.net/
Money Ning – http://moneyning.com/
The Simple Dollar – http://www.thesimpledollar.com/
Stop Buying Crap – http://www.stopbuyingcrap.com/
Wide Open Wallet – http://wideopenwallet.blogspot.com/
posted craigslist listings in hometown and local areas: http://baltimore.craigslist.org/com/688335323.html
posted announcements to MySpace bulletins, blog and financial groups
posted announcements on Facebook profile and financial groups
used 7M7Y link in signatures on blog posts, such as:
added the site on my email, instant messaging and text messaging client signatures
added as a favorite on StumbleUpon: http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/7m7y.com/2008/05/17/meet-shannan/
listed the site on Digg
verbally told friends and colleagues at social and networking events and smaller gatherings about the site
sent an email to friends, family, colleagues asking them to visit and explore the site, pass it on and even apply
My NetWorthIQ questions/responses:
I’m really looking forward to participating in this experiment and sharing my successes, missteps and lessons learned. I’ve stuck with, and will stick with 7MIT because I believe in creating opportunities in my life. I can do this.