How high is your mountain?

Sorry, no LIVE Chat tonight … back, at the usual time next week!
How high is your mountain?
Lee gently reminded me that I have used a similar post title before; and I have!
That’s because, this is the second time that the 7 Millionaires … In Training! (and, hopefully, you) have taken a long, hard look at your Number …
… in fact, you have probably put more time and energy into Your Number (and, Your Life’s Purpose) than I did, way back in 1998!
It will be well worth the effort …
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BTW: For convenience, here are links to each of the 7MITs recently updated NetworthIQ Profiles:
I know how I got my first number. I knew someone who had $3M in the bank and no longer worked and thought they were set for life. I then talked to a friend who was a financial planner because I didn’t think $3M was really all that much but the planner said that it was enough to have a decent withdrawal for living on (I believe we were thinking of around $100k for the area of the country we were in) and not touch the principle.
As for the next numbers, I went through a wish-list based on the 4-hour Work Week book ( that gave us a clear way to think about our dreams in terms of what it would really cost to do what we think it would cost “millions” to do. (For example, what does airline from Po-dunk USA to Paris cost? What kind of accomodations would I really stay in and for how long, what is the cost of a rental car? How much of this can I get from a travel agent?) As a cost analyst, I was well familiar with the need to get rough estimates by making sure I considered all the parts (doing a grass roots estimate by building up from these pieces) so that I wouldn’t get caught unaware later. The numbers now are still rough estimates based on some pretty-fleshed-out plans, analogies to similar items, some basis on historical facts, and a lot of assumptions (tho I did play some “what-ifs” with assumptions about earnings from investments to get a range of what I would need).
The hardest thing to determine is time. I am basing that on a perceived need, realizing that if I am still alive, there is more time, yet needing to reach my number by 6 years for more personal reasons.
To reach that, I need to set some intermediate goals next.