Asking For Help

One of the tools I am going to use to get to my number is the start up of a business. (I’ll also create an exit strategy). Actually I’m interested in a greeting card business and I want to operate it on two levels (1). A face to face operation with clients who want my product and (2). An on-line sales of the same product. I have been in touch with a man in Portland who just recently left this same business and he was very encouraging.
My problem is knowing just where and how to begin. Mainly I’m looking for “who” do I need to bring along side me to assist in this effort? Attorney, accountant, Small Business Administration? Do I need to become an LLC and do I need to deal with Trade Mark issues and so on. Finally how do I approach investors and what is actually step one that will kick start this into motion?
My niche will be law enforcement and firefighters but of course it will have to be wider than that to really make a difference. However there are very few real quality products out there and with my background as a law enforcement chaplain with national and even some world wide connections I believe I can touch a lot of interested people. But again the question is where do I actually begin. What comes first?
This doesn’t seem like much to those who are already on the fact track to real estate and other investments but this is where I choose to begin with hopes of making money to then invest in other ventures. After making a few minor adjustments via MM101 I am beginning to feel a little less pressure with regards to my spending habits thereby freeing us some money.
If I went to craigslist I would probably post it in the following fashion:
WANTED “Greeting Card Associates”. I am looking for people interested in getting in on the ground floor of a multimillion dollar greeting card indutry, must have expertise in business start up. Specifically looking for an attorney, an accountant and professional type sketch artist.
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