The Exciting Adventure Ahead

The Exciting Adventure Ahead
Now is the time to get the engines going and steer in the right direction toward our Number by our Date. Taking a look back at my notes and goals reveals that we’ll need a bit over 4 million by 2018 to live our life’s purpose and according to our required annual compound growth rate, we’ll need to average right at around 38% moving forward. I firmly believe in all of my heart that this is doable for us over the next 9 years. Here we are almost 1 year into this grand experiment and we’ve already far exceeded that compound growth rate for the first year(I believe last year when we first estimated this, it was closer to 40% required, so we are moving along nicely). We had a 67% growth rate for the previous year. I would really LOVE to reach this number well before 2018. If we can shave a few years off, by all means, i’ll do what’s necessary!
According to the table by Micheal Masterson,, we’ll need a combination of real estate and stocks together with small businesses as our vehicle to get that compound growth rate.
After thorough discussion on this forum and throughout this experiment, it appears that the best order of those modalities would be for me to start up additional businesses(in my case, clinics) and use the cash flow from these small businesses to purchase real estate(possibly starting with the commercial properties that these practices reside in) and stocks.
I believe that now is a better time than ever to make this all happen since not only do I have terrific experience in running a successful practice, but also in training associate doctors to actually run a new practice startup to possibly duplicate my own results. Health care always does well in the midst of a recession(lots of stress as well as odd jobs being performed for people to keep paying the bills, this adds up to health problems and injuries). So getting a new practice up and going to successful numbers is in good favor, purchasing real estate is terrific right now due to the bursting bubble, low prices and dirt cheap financing(Phil Town also suggests that commercial real estate will continue to drop in prices as business failures flatten out) so that’s a check, then hopefully the cash flow will be occuring in perfect timing as we crawl out of a recession and all those wonderful, undervalued companies(and their dirt cheap stocks) begin to move back up in stock prices.
Anyway, this is my prediction or delusion! lol. Now my only delima in this whole situation is this; I’m currently under contract for the next 30 months to run this clinic I currently practice in. The deal is, 50% ownership of this practice was given to me by my previous employer(who has owned and operated multiple clinics for many years) and this 50% ownership was to span 3 1/2 years, at which time the other 50% would be given to me(for all my previous service). In essence, I worked for him as an associate for 4 years, made a good base salary, plus good bonuses(which my wife and I used along our Money Making 101 journey) then I made the move to the new clinic that was just getting going on it’s numbers and the deal began. The 3 1/2 year working span at 50% ownership at this new office was pretty much my payment for the other 50%. Well, it’s been a year that i’ve been there, so 30 months are left and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize this deal, I want complete ownership of this clinic in 30 months, but at the same time, I feel that my hands are tied during this time period and it’s nearly impossible for me to open another clinic until i’m free of this deal.
If I owned this clinic completely at the moment, this would all be simple; I hire an associate dr fresh out of school, take them in as my padawan for around 6 months and train them pretty intensly on how to run this practice as I have and how to duplicate my results(as well as have a nice period where we are both working in this clinic, so that existing patients get comfortable with this doctor), then step away from this clinic, let this doc run the show for a fair salary and attractive performance-based bonus system, plus full benefits and I go and start up practice #2 and repeat! (Actually, the moment I have practice number 2 up and cash flowing positive and ready to hand over to trained associate #2, I could techically step away and begin to live my life’s purpose because we will have superceeded our “monthly number” in passive income, ala what such authors as Robert Kiyosaki, T. Harv Eker and Timothy Ferris teach = Get to your monthly number in passive income and then you are ‘out of the rat race’ or you have ‘won the money game’ or you are on a ‘4-hour work week’.)
The interesting thing about this idea would be that I could still keep a “foot in the door” sort of speak to still practice a bit(I do love helping patients, I just don’t like the daily grind and the ‘have to go to work’ situation or the daily dealings with insurance, so being available for occasional associate dr requested days off or 1-2 time per year vacation weeks for them or a bit of part time coaching would actually be kind of nice and fun to get to do). This idea would actually set us free MUCH faster and my passive income from these 2 offices would FAR exceed the income that getting to our NUMBER would provide. (If these 2 doctors generated only 75% of what I currently generate on average in practice and if I paid them a generous 6 figure income that was even more than I made as an associate plus full benefits for them and their families, my personal passive income total from these 2 offices added up would still be in the 20-25k per month range while my NUMBER would provide a little over 16k per month in income). Needless to say, my wife and I would still live on the 16k per month via our life’s purpose and would invest the extra money to grow our portfolio at the same time.
I guess i’ve sort of parlayed an interesting set of questions and possibilities for me in this post and where I am right now. Any suggestions?
Anyhow, my businesses might look like this in an ad:
Wanted: A very successfully run healthcare practice, specializing in spinal rehabilitation, exercise, massage therapy as well as other holistic services such as nutritional advice and expertise. Professionally run to the highest of clinical standards with a well-trained, goal-oriented staff, necessary equipment and supplies. Low monthly overhead, time-proven practice and business design system already in place, extremely high cash-flow and yearly profit margins, ongoing community marketing programs in place, all in a state and local community that harbors terrific heath insurance coverage for these services. Totally turn-key, fully developed business design, everything from new employee training techniques, to patient marketing, to patient scheduling, to treatment programs and proven care systems are all in place and can be duplicated, expanded upon and repeated in additional clinic ventures and startups time and again. The commercial property that the clinic resides in may be purchased at reasonably assessed property value and additional rents may be collected by adjoining business that resides in the same building, once building is purchased.
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