KLE 6: Finding your Life’s Purpose!

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This is the first day of the rest of your financial life …

…because you are about to get a very clear vision of your Life’s Purpose.

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Starting tomorrow, I’m going to break this up into easy, bite-size pieces for you and give you plenty of time to chew each of them over, in orderĀ … it’s THAT important!

Stick with me … your journey starts NOW!

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This is the most challenging thing for me to accept. I get tied into “MAKING MONEY”IN reality, I’m not a print press I don’t make money. I tend to act like a fool by thinking if I just work 24 hours a day. I tell myself to work harder to make extra money. I’ll also say that I don’t do the correct thing currently to really set myself free. I’m too busy doing the busy work. I will be making some changes. I’m open to anything. I don’t (I REFUSE) to not live my life the way I want to.

@ Zimbo523 – This exercise (actually, this whole module) comes from my heart because it really changed my LIFE, especially financially … without this, I would still be a poor business owner doing the ‘busy work’ just like you.

This module is the spark (which I was also lucky enough to experience in 1998), but you ALSO have the benefit of the next three modules (which I had to learn through a lot of trial and error), which will show you exactly how to get what you want, doing what you love and are good at!

This is one helluva an important year for you and all of the other Millionaires … In Training!