Learn How To Make 7 million 7 years …

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Learn the secret 7 million 7 years get rich system that took this corporate dropout from $30k in debt to more than $7,000,000 cash in the bank in just 7 years

… Find Out How A Failed Businessman … With No Investing Experience … Went From A Financial Zero To Make 7 million 7 years!

Dear Friend,

My name is Adrian J Cartwood, and I’ve got ONE question to ask that could change your life forever…

Do YOU have enough money to live the life you’ve always dreamed of?

Too many of us settle for a life that’s “good enough.” You commute to a stuffy office… work overtime trying to impress a boss who doesn’t care… and if you’re lucky, you get to squeeze in a few hours with your family on the weekend.

You cut corners trying to pay your loans, your mortgage, and all those credit cards and then you scrimp and save the little that’s left, hoping to make what? Not even enough in your retirement account to replace your current paycheck when you’re 65?

Is that the kind of life you want until you’re 65 or 70? Me either!

That’s why you’ll be very excited to hear about the incredible information that I’m about to share with you…

I was born in Australia but now live in Chicago and I am the genuine article, a real, self-made multi-millionaire. Unlike many others who merely claim to be rich, I didn’t make my money by following any ‘get rich’ schemes and I won’t teach you any either!

I made my money the good old-fashioned way: by investing in small businesses, in real estate, in stocks. Heck, in every way that you want to get rich, too!

For example, since becoming a real estate investor and learning profitable ways to make money off real estate, I have acquired several million $$ worth of property in my real estate portfolio.

Likewise, I have learned to ride the waves of the stock market, putting millions of my own money at risk to learn the hard lessons that need to be learned in order to succeed whether the market is up or down.

And, I know what it takes to start, run, and sell a small business (again, for millions) having had more than 5 successful businesses in 3 different countries, employing more than 100 people … all at the same time!

Online or offline … if it’s to do with business, real-estate, or investing I have ‘been there, done that’ and made a fortune in each – in all the ways that I am about to share with you.

You don’t need to travel the world to learn all of these lessons … I have done that for you. And, I have packaged my ‘hard won’ accumulated knowledge in this website, just for you!

Yes. Having the desire to do what most are not willing to do is an absolute giant step you are taking for your own financial freedom. And, learning how to make money in any – or all – of these good ol’ fashioned ways that I am about to share with you is the way it all begins for you!

By investing your time reading the words I’ve laid out here – and in the material that I am about to give you exclusive access to – is a testament to your commitment to not being average and ordinary and wanting to do something special in your life.

I can relate to where you are right now and how you feel because it was only a few short years ago that I was $30,000 in debt … and much, much more if you also count our home mortgage, car loans, and credit card balances!

I was desperately searching for my answers …

I was relentless in my pursuit of finding a ‘scam-free’ way to become rich because I had tried so many things that just didn’t work out the way I had hoped for.

Like me … you’ve probably asked yourself:

  • Where do I start?
  • How does real estate investing work?
  • How do I find or start a small business?
  • Can I safely make real money in the stock market
  • Is spending the time to learn all of this really going to pay off?
  • Which books and programs do I study?
  • How do I know how much I really need?
“The Information Is Invaluable”
I have been reading and re-reading the material on your site. I think the information is invaluable.
Luis, CA
“I Read It 5 Times!”
I love it AJC, I read it 5 times last night!
Monk, NY
“Can’t Wait To Read The Next Lesson!”
This is what I’ve been looking for, like Kiyosaki will say there’s two kind of problems, having no money and having money – I happen to have the second one!
Benjamin, OH
“I wish I had stumbled across your website earlier”
I wish I had stumbled across your website earlier … I think I have a fairly solid financial intelligence, although I am always on the lookout for learning new information on stocks, and real estate and the like. Do you think its possible to do something like 2 million in 4 years, so that when I graduate I will have enough money to use to make more money with? And if so, how do I start that now?
Alex, IL
“Very Insightful”
I do have lofty goals and I believe I can make them happen but “financially getting there” seems to be a big stumbling block. So, I really enjoyed reading your articles, they were very insightful.
Lisa, CA

Back in 1998, I was $30k in debt and working 60-hour weeks in a business that was failing, sucking down coffee all day just to stay awake because I was so exhausted and sick of working and getting nowhere.

I was what you would call “broke … with prospects”.

And then it occurred to me: even though I had no money, I would one day get some …. even though I had no idea at that time how.

And, I suddenly realized …

My life wasn’t about money … but, my money would one day be there to support my life.You have NO idea how important that was to suddenly understand … and, how scary it was when I then discovered how to properly cost a life that, until then, I could only dream of one day living.

You see, I realized that for the life that I wanted … actually, needed … I had to be rich!

And, after a lot of trial and error, I discovered a ‘fool proof’ way to calculate how rich I needed to be: To live the life that I had always dreamed of, I needed … $5 million … and, all I needed to do next was work out how to get there, because I was still $30,000 in debt!

So, believe me when I say that I’ve been in the EXACT same spot you’re in right now…

I remember the stress of bills… of financial uncertainty… of squeezing my eyes shut and praying that no more “unforeseen circumstances” would come my way and demand another big chunk of the money that I didn’t have.

But it’s not like that for me anymore. And, soon, it won’t be like that anymore for you, either …

I did something about it … and, I’m about to show you you exactly how to do the same!

You see, I must have spent $20,000 buying every book and attending every financial seminar that came to town without finding what I was looking for … but, I tried everything that the authors and presenters recommended. As you would expect, most of their flaky ideas failed (naturally, I lost even more money) but some ideas actually worked and pretty soon I was making money.

And, I evolved all of those ideas – together with my hard-won successes and miserable failures – into a system that began to make me money …

… and, it began to pick up steam, quickly erasing all of my previous losses and delivering spectacular gains.

I soon realized that I had developed a ‘fool proof’ lifetime financial strategy that would weather all markets – up and down – and all investments, safely steering me to the good and away from the bad.

The results speak for themselves: I went from $30,000 in debt to over $7 million cash in the bank, in just 7 years.

And, I determined that if I could do it, why shouldn’t others learn from my mistakes? Why should they pay $20,000 when they can have these ideas for next to nothing?

I decided that I was very fortunate indeed, so why shouldn’t I share with others who want at least a little (or even a lot!) of the same?

And, that’s when it hit me: to use the ‘power of the Internet’ to bring this information to all of those who care enough to outlay a pittance for information that many would consider priceless.

If you were to attend all the seminars I’ve attended, read all the books I’ve read, and studied all the programs I’ve paid for and studied … you could also easily invest over $20,000 just in purchase costs alone.

Depending on the value you place on your time … your investment to learn what I’ve learned could be in the many tens of thousands of dollars more.

That is why the powerful secrets, tips, and techniques I have carefully laid out in my NEW Guided Learning Experience: The $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System would be a bargain at a price of $49 per month or even $149 per month … just a fraction of the costs I’ve incurred.

But I’m offering to you a concrete financial foundation for your fast track to wealth essential for your success as a business, real estate, or stock investor for an unbelievable price of just $19 per month. That is less than $0.50 a day to create financial freedom and be out of the rat race!

The information you will learn from just one of my unique ‘Making Money’ lesson modules will be worth literally thousands of dollars to your net worth.

So, why I am offering this information so cheaply when it is obviously worth so much more?


This is an opportunity for you to learn and for me to collect more case study material for my “$7 Million in 7 Years” book that is still in development … and, I need your feedback.

And, I am hoping that as you delve deeper and deeper into this unique Guided Learning Experience that you will want to tell your family and friends … the more people that we share this information with, the better not only will our lives become, but theirs, too!

What does the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System include?

As you work your way through the modules that I will be releasing in step with your progress, you will learn simple and easy to understand principles that will lead you towards creating wealth fast as a seasoned pro by understanding the three key stages of making money and getting rich:

Making Money 101

Find Your Number

You will learn how to create a vision for your life and decide how much money you really need in order to live that life.

Get Your Financial House In Order

Follow the critical Four-Step Plan that will quickly put you in better financial shape than you ever dreamed possible: debt free, increased income, your first real investments.

Making Money 201

Accelerate Your Income

You will learn all about the path towards increasing your income and why this is even more critical than paying down debt.

You will learn how to make more money than you ever dreamed possible – e.g. 7 million 7 years – in business (both online and offline), real-estate, stocks and any other way that you feel passionate about. It’s your passion that will drive you to real wealth … it’s the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System that will show you the right way to get there.

Making Money 301

Protect Your Wealth

You will learn the typical ways that people become rich, and why they are doomed to eventual failure. And, you will learn how to ensure that you are not one of them!

For Business Owners

And, if you are – or want to become – a business owner, this unique Guided Learning Experience will direct you to the key ‘making money’ principles that will ensure that your business thrives where most others fail.

When you think about it, it’ll cost you less than a stick of gum a day… and, this information could change your life just like it did mine!

Of course, I can’t help you if you don’t sign up — just fill out the application form and I will get back to you within 24 – 48 hours to tell you if you’ve made the cut!

You see, to make this program a truly unique and successful Guided Learning Experience for our Premium Access Members, I am limiting memberships to just 70 … and, not just the first 70, but the best 70 … the ones who I feel will (a) gain the most, and (b) contribute the most to the success of this program.

Bonus Module! How much to pay for a house.

As part of your learning experience, there will be special Bonus Modules, including the one that will help you know for sure how much to pay for a house; whether buying is better than renting; and, introduces the 20% Rule.
Since your house is likely to be your largest investment (until you complete this program, after which you will be investing far more in businesses, real-estate, and/or stocks than you ever dreamed possible!), this Bonus Module alone will change your financial outlook – for the better – for ever!
Bonus Product Image

“You literally have NOTHING to lose when you try these strategies!”

If you’re still not 100% sure that these three Making Money Strategies are exactly what you need to jumpstart your financial freedom, let me put you completely at ease with my Unconditional 90 Day Guarantee

If you take this first step and join the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System but can’t immediately put the strategies to use to jumpstart your abundant financial future, just let me know.

I will INSTANTLY send you an immediate refund … anytime within the first 90 days!

And, I can’t take what you have already learned out of your head, so you’ll gain everything and lose nothing just by giving my strategies a try …

It’s that simple!

IMPORTANT UPDATE:You’ve arrived at this page just in time to take advantage of my special $19 per month Introductory Offer … I’m giving just the first 70 qualified applicants the chance to gain exclusive Premium Member Access to the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System guided learning experience (including the free Bonus Modules) … for just $19 per month (MSRP $49 p.m.)!
So, before this site is locked up again, click here to join NOW …
To your success,

Adrian J Cartwood

P.S. — I’ve never offered this information all in one place before. The information in this Guided Learning Experience is priceless! In fact, I’ll be very surprised if the Bonus Module alone doesn’t jumpstart your new life. See you at the top!

P.P.S. — Don’t forget when you apply to join the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System guided learning experience today you’re going to get an outstanding bonus module valued at $49 to help you use your house to get a kick-start in life. The introductory price of $19 per month for Premium Access to the site with free bonus modules is part of a test that I am running as I prepare to finish my new book, and it is only guaranteed if you order today. Click on the Join Now button above!

P.P.P.S. — Remember your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You will be successfully on your way to creating a lifetime of cash flow and skyrocketing your net worth by following my four-step wealth-building formula. Take action right now and your application will be on my desk for review within minutes … and, I’ll let you know within a day or two if you’ve been successful. Yes, places usually fill up that fast!

P.P.P.P.S.– If you’ve taken the time to read this far you would be absolutely crazy not to go ahead and apply to join NOW to learn how to make 7 million 7 years before 70 more qualified and motivated people jump in ahead of you and I lock this site down, again! When I do, it’s usually locked for months, so don’t delay … get rich or die trying! You get the keys to the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System … and you can finally be on your way to financial freedom as soon as you have joined and been granted access. So, to finally learn how to get rich, click on the Join Now button above to apply for your chance at selection before I shut it down for months!

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