KLE 49: Do You Need Insurance?

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You’re saving money … and, now you’re even investing your money. You’re becoming quite the complete financial package, aren’t you?

Not quite …

You still need to consider insurance: not necessarily the type of ‘insurance’ that you’re thinking of, but insurance against sliding backwards, financially speaking.

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In the next KLE we’ll takeĀ  close look at the two most important types of insurance that you will need. In the meantime …

Task 1: List the assets that you will need to insure right now?

Task 2: What changes, if any, do you think you need to make to each these policies?

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Name and State (eg John, FL)
What kinds of insurance do you need?
What changes (if any) do you need to make to how, what, and how much you insure for each of these types of insurance?

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