Checkpoint 6: Making It Happen!

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Whereas the the $7 Million Dollar Wealth Formula (KLE82) may have seemed theoretical,  the last few KLE’s (the Bonus Modules about the stock market, real-estate investing, and valuing businesses) have been – I hope – hugely practical.

We covered the kinds of financial and valuation issues that are rarely, if ever, covered in the popular and traditional press around these subjects.

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In the meantime …

Task 1: Which of these Bonus Modules (stocks, real-estate, business) are likely to be the most assistance to you in reaching your Number?

Task 2: What specific Bonus Module KLE’s will you apply in the next 12 – 36 months to move you towards your Number?

Task 3: Take a look at the Bonus Module KLE’s (i.e. since the last Checkpoint): What Has Worked? What Has Not Worked?


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What is your first name and what state are you from? (eg John, AUS)
What is your e-mail address?
Which of these Bonus Modules (stocks, real-estate, business) are likely to be the most assistance to you in reaching your Number?
What specific Bonus Module KLE's will you apply in the next 12 - 36 months
What have you learned from this Guided Learning Experience, since the last Checkpoint?
Which KLE's (since the last Checkpoint) worked for you (and why)?
Which KLE's (since the last Checkpoint) have NOT worked for you (and why)?

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