KLE 11: How To Be A Self-MythBuster!

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Last time, I asked you to take a look at the circled items in your “Do Want” list …

… and, if you don’t already have it, next to each item write down why you don’t have it.

That was the easy part:

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… then we can set about getting them!

Hint: if you are stuck on any/all of these exercises … NOW is the time to hit the forums and ask a question and/or post a comment and/or use the Contact Me form … coming next is ‘crunch time’: you get to find your Life’s Purpose!

Task 1:

Transcribe the three most important DO WANTs – and, your answer to the “why don’t you have it already?” question for each – to the following form. Remember: you’re nearing the end, so make sure that you save your best effort for this task and the next!

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What is your Name and State (eg John, CA)?
Most Important Do Want
Why don't you have it already?
Next most Important Do Want
Why don't you have it already?
Next most Important Do Want
Why don't you have it already?

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I know that it’s all me that’s holding myself back. I don’t take the actions needed. I blame circumstances. I’ve been acting a fool.

Thanks for sharing zimbo523 … we all feel the same way from time to time; that’s why this is such a powerful exercise!