CS 11: My First Product

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I wrote a blog for over two years before I decided to create my first product … a 5-page eBook that I initially sold for $1.99, but now give away:

Repeat Until Rich – The eBook! [CLICK THIS]

This is only the first draft of this eBook; you can get the latest version at LittleFreeBook.com. If you visit this site, you will see how I have used this ‘giveaway’ to generate a mailing list with over 2,000 subscribers.

It only took me a few hours – spread over 4 days – from start to finish. If you read my blog, then you’ll notice that there’s no new material in the eBook (but a very nice and easy ‘repackaging’ simply using the free newsletter template that comes with Microsoft Word).

Here’s three great clues if you want to be successful in your online business (any business!):

1. I’m fast – because I already had the ‘raw material’ for this blog. Interestingly, I could have written this a couple of months earlier, because I found all the material that I needed for this eBook in the first 3 or 4 dozen posts on my blog.

2. It only took me about 4 or 5 hours of ‘work’ (mostly playing around with the Word template and cleaning up the articles that I cut/pasted together) to create one whole Information Product

3. I took ACTION!

Here are some additional points:

– I use the term “repeat until rich” in my blog, a lot … it seems to signify a ‘system’ …. systems are ‘good’

– It makes a great domain name and I bought it 48 hours later for $10 a year (I used GoDaddy.com)

– I felt that it would make a great name for a book … or, series of books / Information Products

– I felt that I had enough content in my blog to write at least ONE eBook (“so why don’t I do one NOW?”)

So, let me remind you that you can get started today:

i) What is it that you are always talking about?

ii) Hop onto WordPress.com (or one that accepts advertising, if that’s the direction that you want to go …. just Google – “how to create a blog” and see where that takes you)

iii) Start Writing

… in a couple of months, pick up back here because you, too, will have enough useful content for your own Information Product!

iv) Don’t think about it … just do it!

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