I owe, I owe, So It's Off to Work I Go….

I owe, I owe, So It’s Off to Work I Go….
Another great post title 🙂
It appears that all things Jeff-related are on a sky-high trajectory; but, when it comes to debt and liabilities is that a good thing: when is ‘good debt’ too much debt? I’m keen to hear your thoughts – as, I’m sure, is Jeff …
Jeff’s post also shows how far our expectations have changed when we consider 8% ‘expensive’ debt – and, compared to today’s rates, it is!
…well, that’s not the only reason.
I’ve never been a big debtor. At least not in terms of credit card debt nor in terms of total numbers of creditors that I owe money to.
Presently I have three liabilities which I’ve discussed at length here on 7m7y.
Home: $500,861 at 5.5% with 29 yrs and 11 months to go. 🙂
Rental Property: $235,380 at 5.375% with 25 yrs left to go.
Short term bridge loan (secured by one of my vehicles): $17,650 @ 8% with four years and 11 months left to go.
Total debts: $754,802 Ok, so maybe that is a lot of debt. I just don’t consider it bad debt.
My plans are to continue to pay only the minimums on the home and rental mortgages. I do not intend to pay either down early, although I’ve been very intrigued by some of the equity accelerator programs I’ve seen advertised recently. But I digress and that flies in the face of Adrian’s advice.
As for the short term bridge loan, I do intend to tackle that one in short order. That loan was necessary to force my recent home purchase through. The property was a foreclosure and required more cash than I had on hand in a rapid manner. This loan will be paid in full no later than May 2009 at which point I’ll be back to only having debt that is associated with real estate.
I looked into those early mortgage payoff programs early on too Jeff and What I figured out is that regardless of whether or not you juggle a heloc and do, pay it when the moon is full or not, or anything, all it does is forces you to make one extra payment or so per year, instead of the usual 12 payments, hence, you pay it off early. And, you pay the company a fee for the service, or the software(that isn’t necessary either).
It’s not worth it. I mean of course with what we’ve learned here so far, we know now why it’s not wise to send an penny extra to your mortgage, so I certainly wouldn’t pay someone else money to make me pay my mortgage off early and make it take longer for me to reach my number by my date 😉
Good luck!