Making Money 201?

Making Money 201?
I now realize that I was a little premature running the photo of the space shuttle actually launching off the pad; where we’ve really been until now is back at the Launch Control Center making sure that we are all prepared for the flight: suits [check]; oxygen [check]; flight training [check]; flight physicals [check] …
… a.k.a. Making Money 101
Some people like the training; others hate it … regardless we all NEED it and HAVE to go through it in order to increase our chances of surviving the voyage without breaking up: the training and physicals that we have undertaken will see us through an arduous flight … plenty of G’s [AJC: you might equate that to your required Annual Compound Growth Rate] and a long journey through unexplored territory …
… a.k.a. Making Money 201
And, we’re now pushing the shuttle out onto the launch pad; while you’re strapped in, waiting to hit the launch button, there’s nothing to do but check your commitment: if it’s not high enough, your just wasting your time … it’s not too late to turn back … if you do, only your pride will be hurt š
Josh has made a huge financial windfall; but, it comes with a warning (read the comments on his post) … even so, he represents the desires of pretty much anybody who wants to get ahead of the curve, financially-speaking:
When are we starting MM201, Iām jumping out of my skin here?
I think that Josh speaks for us all: we’re chaffing at the bit to ramp up our MM201 activities [AJC: some, like Josh, have already started … heck, why wait for me?!] but, here we are, tied down in the minutia of counting check stubs (‘No Budget’ Budget) and counting minutes (Power of 10-1-1-1-1) …
… of course, there’s a good reason; two actually:
1. We want to create a great base to lift off from, and
2. We want to ingrain the habits that will help us keep our money once we get it!
But, there is good news: most of you already have MM101 well under control (some, perhaps overly so) and the others, well, you now have the tools to claw your way out of the financial muck hole (e.g. No Budget, Budget; Power of 10-1-1-1-1; MM101 savings rules) … it’s just a matter of applying them; …
… in either case, we’re leaving MM101 now – except for the occasional ‘touch base’ to see how we’re doing … and, of course, we’re always open for questions (via post and/or e-mail); just remember that there are now 7 who can help you if/when you need it!
So, let’s smoothly transition to MM201 and we’ll do that by reviewing a few things with our 7MITs over the next few days, that you may also want to review (and, share with us!) … stay tuned!
now that we’re moving forward a bit, perhaps our logo could age along with us?