Site Archives 7million

We’re Back!!!

After much ado, we are back with the newly upgraded, bigger, better faster home of the 7 Millionaires … In Training! ‘grand experiment’ in millionaire-making 🙂 You may not notice much change, but ‘under the covers’ is a small block supercharged chevy engine in place of the 4 cylinder Corolla engine that we had […]


Liftoff! Well, as I mentioned before, we actually lifted off before we reached the launch pad …. ooops 🙁 But, in personal finance – thus, this ‘grand experiment’ – we’ll actually be doing a lot of back-tracking even as we move forward at great (I hope!) speed … … in fact, some horses have jumped […]

Under the spotlight: Josh

Under the spotlight: Josh I’m starting a new ‘occasional series’ where we put one of our 7 Millionaires … In Training! – or, any other reader – under the spotlight when there is an interesting or unusual aspect of their journey towards their Number / Date that needs to be discussed. Josh is the lucky […]

Making Money 201?

Making Money 201? I now realize that I was a little premature running the photo of the space shuttle actually launching off the pad; where we’ve really been until now is back at the Launch Control Center making sure that we are all prepared for the flight: suits [check]; oxygen [check]; flight training [check]; flight […]

The 'No Budget Budget'

The ‘No Budget Budget’ Note: You need to be a Premium Member to view this content: Stay tuned … 🙂

Making Money 101?

Making Money 101? Of course, what we’ve been doing over the last few weeks is quietly reviewing the ‘financial picture’ for each of our 7MITs … I hope that you have taken the opportunity to do the same? Perhaps your financial picture overlaps in part with one or more of the 7 Millionaires … In […]

Income Statement

Take note of Ryan’s list of 5 things that he has learned from this ‘grand experiment’ so far … they are all important observations. Ryan may be surprised to learn that I am equally risk-averse and DO advocate a safety net … As Ryan asks, what advice can you give to Ryan? I’m sure that […]

I'm the liability ….

Are you an optimist or a pessimist (I’m already on record on this subject)? It might depend upon how well your assets outweigh your liabilities … … this diagram shows quite nicely how the cash flows – out! – for each liability …. does that mean that a liability = bad? Not necessarily, it depends […]

My Chevy's got a 401k block …

My Chevy’s got a 401k block … I couldn’t think of a way to both wrap up the previous week’s set of posts on cars and begin this week’s series on retirement savings, hence the ‘punny’ title! 🙂 And, it wouldn’t be fair for me to lecture the 7MITs on their cars if I didn’t […]