KLE 18: Your Future Lifestyle Budget – Part I

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Even though I’m going to make this easy for you, it’s still going to be ONE of the more difficult exercises that I will be sharing with you …

… it will also be one of the most financially important, enlightening, etc., etc. so pay close attention!

The next few Key Learning Experiences will be all about creating your own Future Lifestyle Budget; first, though, I’ll walk you through an example.

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Next, we’ll look at adding in your one-off purchases …

Task 1: Today, I just want you to think about the CATEGORIES (e.g. groceries, phone, cable, etc.) that you think should go into YOUR Future Lifestyle Budget and how much you think they will cost:

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Name and State (eg John, MO)
List the recurring expenses that you think should be in your Future Lifestyle Budget (category and amount)?

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