KLE 64: Are You Going To Reach Your Number?

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You have outpaced probably 99.9% of your peers by completely reworking your finances and how you think about you house, your car, your savings, and your debt. But, will it be enough?

For those 99.9% of other people, unequivocally it WOULD be enough. But, will it be enough for you?

Since you signed up for the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System, I’m guessing not. And, having seen your Life’s Purpose and the Number and Date that you chose to help you live that Purpose … well, let’s see!

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Task 4: You are at a fork in the road:

– If the number that you came up with in Task 3 > the Number you came up with in Task 1: Congratulations, you have completed the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System. But,

– If the number that you came up with in Task 3 < the Number you came up with in Task 1: play around with the calculator some more. Is there a reasonably achievable scenario where you CAN reach your Number?

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Name and State (eg John, FL)
What is Your E-Mail Address?
What is Your Number?
What is Your Date?
Can you reach your Number by your Date? If not, what is the likely shortfall?
How achieveable is your result? Why?

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