KLE 92: The Only Two Ways To Invest In the Stock Market

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The best way to get started in any field is to find the best there is and learn from them … anything else is second best. So, if your selected Growth Vehicle (KLE68) includes investing in stocks, there is only one person to turn to: Warren Buffett.

His company, Berkshire Hathaway, invests in a mixture of businesses (e.g. businesses like Sees Candy, Dairy Queen and Geico Insurance) and stocks (e.g. Coca Cola, Amex, and so on); what sets Warren apart is that he has earned a compounded 20%+ annual return for over 4 decades but is a victim of having too much money to invest!

Warren said that if he were only managing $1 million or less, he would guarantee an annual return of 50%.

So, when Warren Buffett talks about stocks, you had better listen!

Warren Buffett says that there are only TWO sensible ways to INVEST in stocks:

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If you choose the ‘speculating’ path to your Number, which is really a business rather than investing (because of the risk/reward profile), I will provide some guidelines on the most important tool that you can have at your disposal, later in this Bonus Module.

Task 1: If you have selected stock investing as one of your key Growth Engines, which method of investing will you choose (Index Funds, Value Stocks, Speculating, Mutual Funds) and why?

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Which method of investing will you choose: Index Funds, Value Stocks, Speculating, Mutual Funds?

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