Lee asks …

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Lee asks …

I seem to sense that part of the next seven years will involve investments and or real estate involvement.  My question regards my inability to “get started”.  Generally speaking is there is a “minimum” amount needed when it comes to making investments in stock or real estate and the likes and if will you being making recommendations as to how folks like me can do that?  I’ve always wanted to do that kind of stuff but always thought I had to have a bunch of money in order to do that.

Lee, whether the next 7 years will involve:

1. Sitting on your rear end relaxing as people ‘your age’ should be doing … at least, according to the expectations of your family/friends who will be constantly throwing this in your face, or

2. Investing (in real-estate, stocks, etc.) or

3. More actively trading (in real-estate, stocks, or whatever

… will largely revolve around:

a) You interests, and

b) You Life’s Purpose.

It will be a combination of a) and b) that will of necessity drive you in a certain direction that we will examine more closely with each of the 7 Millionaires … In Training!

I say “of necessity” because certain paths are suited to certain amounts and time frames, the smaller the amount and the longer the time frame, the more luxury that you have of choosing the path according to your natural talents and like …

… but, if you wanted to make a lot of money very quickly then your choices are, surprisingly, more limited.

Regardless of the path, having money to get started is actually unnecessary … you will find exactly what you need, exactly when you need it.

God will put the money into your hands – mere luck will put it into the hands of others – which is my way of saying: “I have no idea how it happens, but this is how it happened to me, perhaps this is how it will happen to you too?”

In any event, the result is the same: if achieving your Life’s Purpose is a driving need – rather than a limp want – then lack of money is simply another hurdle that will be crossed. Won’t it?

Of course, Lee wasn’t going to let me off the hook with just one question, so here is his second:

Question two: “how patient will you be with us slow learners.?”

Depends …

… how patient will you be with us slow ‘teachers’? That’s why I’m allowing 7 years and hoping that you’ll do it in one 🙂

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Reader Comments

Thanks! I feel better already especially since you didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. This path we’re on is beginning to look a lot like one I’ve already traveled but stopped before I got to the destination. I have a feeling it’s better to have a guide to point things out as we go along.

@ Lee – Why did you stop last time? What set of circumstances arose an dhow will you avoid a repetition, this time around?

I had no goal in mind, no plan on how to get there and my timing was “whenever”, “if ever”. And to be real honest I didn’t see myself ever being more than I had always been.
I think I can avoid repetition because this time I am hungry enough to do whatever it takes and I’ll have your experienced input and encouragement. Also my family is totally behind the experiment not to mention interaction with the other partricipants is bound to help. I know decisions to be made are mine and mine alone but there is something about involvement with others that is stimulating.

Excellent point Lee – synergy is so important on journeys like this one. Sure we all have to do the homework, make the decisions, and take the responsibility for making it so. That does not mean though that it is not nicer to have a supporting cast around you that are moving in the same direction and keeping you accountable (mastermind group anyone?).