Ryan's Life Purpose
Ryan’s Life Purpose
Ryan is the first cab off the rank (well done!) by posting about his Life’s Purpose … feel free to weigh in (ask questions; make a comment, or whatnot) … I know that I have a question or two … for example, Ryan: what do you think it will take to live this kind of life (in time, and money terms) … in a general sort of way – we’ll get to the specifics soon enough?
Why are you here? An easy enough question to answer when you’re at Burger King, but slightly more complicated when we’re discussing your entire reason for taking up space on this planet. For the lucky few, the answer is incredibly obvious and found early in life. For the rest of us it takes some serious soul searching and is constantly a work in progress.
I was not born with the super human abilities of a Michael Phelps or the acting abilities of a Robert Deniro, but am just “pretty good” at a lot of different things. The proverbial jack of all trades, master of none. So for me to figure out what I am here (on earth) to do, I asked myself what I am passionate about, what drives me.
Looking back on my life thus far, and my many different jobs, three simple things have remained constant. I’m a people person, and I like to solve problems and be creative. I have utilized these interests in my professional life primarily by building relationships with people and learning about their problems or wants and finding solutions for them to fix/fill those problems/wants (some of you might know this process as sales!). While this has been fulfilling to a degree, I do not currently feel as though I am utilizing my talents to the best of my ability, but believe that I can develop these skills to effect real change (hopefully positive!).
So that leads me to My Life Purpose, which is to build relationships that build dreams. I need to help people in life changing ways. I feel as though I can build the kind of relationships that will enable me to build dreams. My dreams and the dreams of others. Not with simple hand outs, but by being creative to help them help themselves, and each other (through things like networking). My dreams include being financially able to have the resources and time to devote to others while still providing a good life for my family.
This purpose statement certainly resonates with me, but I do feel like it lacks clarity in my mind. In other words, I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to do it, but I’m nearly certain it’s what I want to do.
When it is all said and done, and my next of kin are discussing my journey through life, my hope is that they see me first as a loving and caring father, grandfather, and husband. Then as a good stewart of my talents and resources by striving to constantly learn and better myself while always helping those less fortunate than me.
And your off to a good start with your life’s purpose Ryan, by working with all of us in the 7m7y community to build our dreams. Good post!