KLE 34: 10 Steps To A Rational Spending Decision

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The 5% Rule (KLE32) now provides you with a concrete barrier to overspending – but, it also provides you with a yearly budget of additional spending power that you have available.

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There you have it … 10 Steps to a rational spending decision, simply designed to ensure that you can buy the things that you want as long as you put things of lesser long-term intrinsic value behind activities that keep you out of the poor house and keep you heading towards your ultimate financial goal.

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Reader Comments

Hi Adrian,
What a great set of spending rules, many thanks, I’ve been looking for a list like this for some time now. Have just printed it out and stuck it to my home office wall! That was the easy part…now it’s time for me to reign in my spending!

The wall of your office is ONE great place to keep this list of questions!

But, I recommend that you keep another copy in your pocket – right alongside your Power of 10-1-1-1-1 table … you’ll need them both before reaching for your cash or credit card 🙂

Even after all that, and we can still afford it, we spend a lot of time justifing things.

“Because we worked hard and we can afford it”

It isn’t helping us get our number, but it helps us not feel like we are sacrificing today for tomorrow.

This is great printing it out now and taping it on the wall, in my car, and my notebook. = 3 copies printing now : )