CS11 – Calculating Your One Time Expenses
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Over the past month Dan (United Kingdom) recorded expenses in the following categories for his One Time Budget (KLE25):
Food and Drink
Meals out
Restaurant tips
Garden plants/accessories
Printer ink cartridge
Hair cut
Car fuel
Car maintenance
Dan is pretty sure “that most of the above expenses are not ‘one time’ expenses since I’m paying these out every month”.
But, he correctly classes the following categories as ‘one off’ expenses (in his case):
Garden plants/accessories (“I only buy this stuff in the spring and summer months”)
Printer ink cartridge (“I buy these every 7 weeks”)
Hair cut (“I have one every 6 weeks”)
I’m reasonably sure that car maintenance would also be a one-time expense, and don’t see any one-time expenses listed for things like insurance, and so on … however, for this exercise, we’ll simply assume that Dan has listed his one-time expenses as those three above:
In order to add these Garden plants/accessories; Printer ink cartridges; and, Haircuts to his One Time Budget correctly, Dan would simply need to work out how much he would expect to spend on each of these over the next 12 months, then add one-twelfth of that amount as just another monthly cost.
For example, let’s say that Dan spends £28 on a printer cartridges every 7 weeks (roughly 7 times a year), then that would be 52 / 7 x £28 = £208 a year.
Or, £17.33 a month (£208 / 12).
So, Dan would just ‘pretend’ that he spent £17.33 on printer cartridges during the month, and use that as his one-time budget amount for that category.
Similarly with Garden plants/accessories: let’s say that Dan spent £100 last summer and another £80 last winter and he thinks those are reasonable amounts to spend this year as well.
Then Dan would simply add ( £100 + £80) / 12 = £15 to his one-time budget.
Finally, if the month Dan chose to do his one-time budget happened to be the month that he spent his summer £100 on Garden plants/accessories, then he would REPLACE that £100 in his One Time Budget with £15.