Checkpoint 5: Putting the Formula To Work!
The last few KLE’s have been largely theoretical. Perhaps necessary financial grounding, but what use is learning a formula if you can’t actually apply it?
None, really.
So, in this KLE we’ll put the whole thing together and show you the final levers that you need to pull in order to use the $7 Million Dollar Wealth Formula to make your own fortune.
Now, let’s see how the whole formula comes together:
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The next module – Module 4 – will be all about risk … to make sure that you never lose your money, both before you reach your Number and after! Before then, and coming up next, are some Bonus Modules to help you with your stock, real-estate, and/or business investments.
In the meantime …
Task 1: What have you achieved financially and/or from a business / investment perspective since you started this Module?
Task 2: How will you apply the $7 Million Dollar Wealth Formula in the next 12 months to move you towards your Number?
Task 3: Take a look at the work that you have undertaken since the last Checkpoint: What Has Worked? What Has Not Worked?