KLE 111: Do You Have A Real Business?

Let’s say that you have chosen ‘business’ as your Growth Vehicle (KLE68) and finally find (or start) the business that you are looking for.
Suddenly, you will come across lots of people who are clearly excited when they tell you that they are “also in business” … except that, unlike you, they aren’t!
Mostly, they’re just working 60 to 80 hours a week – on little to no pay – for the toughest boss of all: themselves.
Why do I say they are probably not in a ‘real’ business, yet you are (or, soon will be)? And, how do you tell the difference between a ‘real business’ and a glorified job?
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So, if you own a little sandwich shop – or, the online equivalent (here’s how you spell it: B-L-O-G) – don’t bother me with the details … it’s nice that you’re keeping yourself busy, but I’ll get bored listening to your story.
But, if you’re working on the next Potbelly Sandwich Works – or, the online equivalent (F-A-C-E-B-O-O-K) – drop me a line and don’t spare the gory details … I’m listening to every single word you say!