Featured Finalist – Lee

Featured Finalist – Lee
There’s actually nothing special about being featured here; Lee was just the first to submit his “first post” that he entitled: A Matter of Training.
Although, Lee is special in that he is well outside the expected range of bloggers! But, we’ve already said a few (positive) words about that!
Also, I am not expecting any wax on / wax off tasks at this stage of the ‘grand experiment’ – including traffic-generation (although, you may as well get in the habit of drumming up ‘business’ … on the web, this equals: traffic!).
No, you have all proven yourself on the floor of the dojo – and, my fence is now painted! – it’s now all business … real, money-making, wealth-creation, get rich(er) quick(er) processes for you!
And, that means ANY memeber of the 7m7y Community who wants to follow along: including, any of the Final 15.
BTW: even as a Final 15 member, you will only be featured if I don’t run out of runway on the way to announcing the 7MITs on July 24! It means nothing if you’re not featured at this stage of the project …
The only thing that all of the Final 15 – plus anybody else who actually wants to get rich – should be concentrating on now are the activities that I will be launching over the next 3 – 4 weeks (beginning on June 24).
In the meantime, here’s Lee’s post …
Over the short sixty years of my life I have learned a few things. No I really mean a “few”
things. I’m not what you would call a quick study, but I do like a challenge and I’m like a dog I
had as a child that was not real bright but very trainable. When I came across the idea of being
one of seven people who would be trained in how to make a million dollars in seven years my
ears perked up. I was in the process of doing some other training when my trainer mentioned
that she had applied to become one of those seven people making a million dollars in seven
years. At her recommendation I checked out the web site and made the application
I’m at a stage in my life where I’m ready for a change but I’m at an age in my life where
change doesn’t come easy. I’m ready to reinvent myself and rewrite the script of my life. What
is still ahead of me is something that excites me in such a way that I’m ready to focus on what it
takes to get there.
While my peers are satisfied with reminiscing about where they have been, I’m ready to go forward
to places I’ve never been before. I love to journey into the unknown. This journey of
making 7 million in 7 years is worth the wait. It kind a reminds me of when I first learned how
to send out mass emails which by the way is how I let people know I was in the running for this
great journey. If I were perfect in every way I would tell you to click on the following URL to
see how I let folks know.
But I’m not perfect and I didn’t take the chance of them maybe reading
the news on one of my web sites: www.lawenforcementfamily.com or
www.familydispatchchurch.com or even on my blogsite http://holygroundscafe.blogspot.com.
What I did was send a mass email that I’ll gladly forward a copy to you upon request.
No you probably better understand the title of this post “A Matter of Training”. I need a lot of
training. I did however publish some post on NetworthIQ and you can check them out at:
It’s details and Tech stuff that trips me up. But then I am trainable.
Wonderful post, Lee, you are definetely one of the most interesting characters in this journey! Best of luck to you!