Starting out in Rome …
Starting out in Rome …
Rome was not built in one day. We are not making millionaires in one day but we all want to get rich quicker. With the right tools, technology, advice and, support, I think we can arrive sooner. These are few of the many great things I expect being part of this grand experiment. I wonder given today’s technology, could the Colosseum be built quicker? I’m extremely excited to be part of this project and I was actually in Rome when I found out about the lucky 7!
Being part of this project, I’ve already gain some insights on myself. There are some elements of self awareness, especially when we went through the exercises within the post What is important to you?. I found out that I’m more aware of business ideas, and maybe evaluating some opportunities now. I think Adrian’s response to Shannan’s question about getting out there, Shannan asks …, explains how we will get drawn to things that are aligned with our vision.
Even though I’m on vacation in Italy, I did manage to have some light business discussions with the hostel owners in Florence and Rome. I chose to stay in hostels due to the falling greenback but it was a great experience. It is interesting to learn how they differentiate themselves form the others and how they resolve certain problems. For example, one hostel provide dinners to guests and it did not only save fellow backpackers some dollars but also bring everyone together. They also showed us around and brought us to places offering great deals. One of the guest actually moved from another hostel to this one because the staff at the other place was ‘cold’. This does show that customer relationship is really important. To provide better mattresses, they actually left the plastic cover on. Interesting way of solving that particular problem.
I later found out that there are 2 owners for the hostel I stayed in Florence, one from Switzerland and the other from Iran. They owned 5 hostels in total. You don’t have to be a native of the land to be successful. I think I’m the only foreign born of the 7 but I still feel that the United States is an ideal place for entrepreneurs. There is a lot less corruption, good infrastructure, and support. You have no idea how much corruption there is in developing countries and some developed countries. Entrepreneurs still get by through unconventional and sometimes unethical means.
I hope to use this new found self awareness and external awareness to help me and hopefully a few more to inch closer to our Life’s Purpose.
Mark Talk about corruption, about six years ago I took a trip to Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The big thing over there was “Pick Pockets” There were huge signs every where in several different languages telling people to beware of them. The police told me to stay safe in Amdterdam these are the rules (1) never look anyone in the eye because that means you want to buy drugs, (2) If someone picks your pocket do not yell at them, it will insite a riot, (3) Do not take pictures of the prostitutes and (4) never urinate in the street.
Obviously I got along just fine.
Every place we go has the potential of presenting us with different attitudes and values from ours. I look forward to our Grand Experiment and especially interacting with people from different parts of the world where I’m sure we’ll all learn new and different things.
In all your travels stay safe.