Meet Diane!

ANNOUNCEMENT: To kick off the final stages of the selection process, AJC is going LIVE!!!
That’s right, starting Thursday, May 29 @ 8pm CST 7million7years is coming to a web-cam near you! All you need to participate is a PC with sound and broadband connection – AJC has the web-cam!!
Click here for more details: … should be a ton of fun!
Now, for today’s Featured Applicant …
Meet Diane!
Diane is the first of the 7 Millionaires … In Training! applicants that I will be featuring … please join me in wishing her – and all the other applicants that I will be featuring over the coming days – the best of luck:
As a 47-year-old cost/budget analyst with an MBA, handling my budget should be nooooooo problem, even coupled with a student loan of $30,000 for which interest I am not able to take a tax break – something the Dept of Education didn’t tell me when I was applying for student loans.
Two years ago, still struggling, I bought a home hoping that instead of pouring rent money down a hole, the tax benefits of the mortgage interest would save me a bit more (rent was about the same as the mortgage payments, but just a wee bit higher). Then all the things associated with home ownership came into play, post divorce: a bed for me, and one for one of my sons, two desks for them, a lawn mower, a weed eater, shovels, posthole digger, seed spreader, dirt (don’t ask!), snow shovel, paint for two rooms, a rescue dog who proceeded to tear down the blinds and curtains, a busted water pipe which cost a $1000 deductible for new carpeting, home owner’s associations fees, school tax fees, and city taxes, over and above the property tax, vet bills (normal), dog food….I lose track, but it all adds up.
I then joined a gym to lose weight and was very successful at that, became a zumba instructor in fact, which I am now trying to use to offset gas bills driving to the gym and zumba classes, but the gym membership is still being paid off as well.
Debt has blossomed and reached the point where last week, I turned off the cable and shut down the ISP, opting now for using Panera’s or the local library’s wireless internet access.
You’d think I’d know better – and I think I’m pretty smart – so, do you think AJ can help me?
What is 7 Millionaires … In Training! all About?!
Recently, I sent out a Casting Call (you still have time to apply!) for what I call my “Grand Experiment” … a real attempt to create 7 Millionaires in just 7 Years!
My desire is to ‘prove’ that my methods for real wealth are replicable (you can read about them on my blog: How to Make $7 Million in 7 Years) – naturally, not by everybody, but by anybody with a dream, a desire, a will, and a way. If you supply the first three, I will help light the way …
Wow, hard to believe…. are you sure you’re a financial analyst… hmmmm.. makes one wonder exactly what an OSU MBA is really worth – JUST kidding. This really is one smart cookie.. if she doesn’t mind my using that term. In fact, one of the most intelligent women I have ever met. If anyone can do this, Diane can!! Best of luck, girl…