Meet Ryan!

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Meet Ryan!

I have been featuring selected applicants on this site – and, will continue to do so right through to the June 2nd deadline; what you may not know is that I have been setting each one a target: to generate as many links to their own page as they can.

Not only is the additional traffic great for this site and everybody who participates (the more readers, the more contributors, the better the ‘community’), but it is just one way that I will determine who has the imagination, drive, and ‘go ahead’ to become on of my 7 Millionaires … In Training!

After a strong start by Diane, Debbie is now leading the pack and Shannon is not  far behind … some others have a bit of catching up to do. I can’t give you Debbie and Shannon’s ‘secrets’ for driving traffic, but let’s just say that Billboard on the Interstate 75 is just a ‘tad’ provocative 😉 … you DO know that’s a joke, right?!

So guys, if I publish you here, that is a like a huge WELCOME SIGN … you just have to step inside and smile!  

Now, back to Ryan …

Four years ago I was making $35K/year, had $14K of debt, and just got married.  I was afraid I couldn’t support my soon to be growing family, and the stress was unbearable.

With that fear as my impetus to become financially literate, I started a quest that currently has me earning $200,000+, with a goal of having a net worth of $10 million in 10 years. 

I feel I’ve come a long way, yet have only arrived at base camp.   My hope is that the MIT program can give me the guidance to overcome “normal” and become truly wealthy.


What is 7 Millionaires … In Training! all About?!

Recently, I sent out a Casting Call (you still have time to apply!) for what I call my “Grand Experiment” … a real attempt to create 7 Millionaires in just 7 Years!

My desire is to ‘prove’ that my methods for real wealth are replicable (you can read about them on my blog: How to Make $7 Million in 7 Years) – naturally, not by everybody, but by anybody with a dream, a desire, a will, and a way. If you supply the first three, I will help light the way …

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[…] seems to be the thinking behind Ryan’s question: I have a question on real estate investment when you’re nomadic. My concern is […]

[…] In fact, if you have a friend, why don’t you each buy a house and rent it to the other? Now, that is a strategy worthy of a millionaire … in training! […]