Meet Alex!
ANNOUNCEMENT: To kick off the final stages of the selection process, AJC is going LIVE!!!
That’s right, starting Thursday, May 29 @ 8pm CST 7million7years is coming to a web-cam near you! All you need to participate is a PC with sound and broadband connection – AJC has the web-cam!!
Click here for more details: … should be a ton of fun!
Now, for today’s Featured Applicant …
Meet Alex!
I have a dream.
No, I have lots of dream. But the one dream that will help me reach other goals of my life much faster is being financially wealthy.
I set out to make $2,000,000 before I am 30 by various means: traditional investing, web 2.0 start-ups, partnerships, and eventually quitting my 9-5 job. Once my number is reached, I will be a full time entrepreneur to further enable other people’s dreams come true.
Having a mentor is important in anyone’s success. AJC proves to be the man who has gone through the journey. I am excited to learn from his wisdom.
[AJC: if he’s successful in becoming one of the 7MITs, we will have to work on Alex’s judgement ;)]
What is 7 Millionaires … In Training! all About?!
Recently, I sent out a Casting Call (you still have time to apply!) for what I call my “Grand Experiment” … a real attempt to create 7 Millionaires in just 7 Years!
My desire is to ‘prove’ that my methods for real wealth are replicable (you can read about them on my blog: How to Make $7 Million in 7 Years) – naturally, not by everybody, but by anybody with a dream, a desire, a will, and a way. If you supply the first three, I will help light the way …