Meet the Final Applicants!

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Meet the Final Applicants!

Well that’s it!

The Casting Out period is over … I’ve pulled in a net-full of ‘live’ ones … and displayed some of the best in the 7m7y Wall of Fame; there are many more that I will feature in the days leading up to the selection of my final 7 Millionaires … In Training!

I am truly humbled by how many people have jumped in boots-and-all and if you promise to keep up the effort, so will I.

Now, my work really begins … I’m going to start the process of selecting my 7 Millionaires … In Training!

As I’m going through the decision-making process, I’ll be featuring more applicants, so you still have time to shine …

Short-List Step 1, is for all serious applicants – and, EVERYBODY who is reading along will gain great benefit by simply following along and DOING THE SAME during these first few stages of the ‘narrowing process’ …

… so, go to right now and create a ‘snapshot’ of your current personal net worth.

In just a couple of years, you’ll probably look back in total amazement at how far you have come!

If so, the effort that I have put into maintaining my two blogs  and will have been well worth it 🙂

If you are serious about working with me – because I am totally serious about working with you – then get to it … but, I’m sorry that I only have room for 7 Millionaires … In Training!

But, I have LOTS of room for well-wishers, advisers, commenters, occasional contributers, nay-sayers – hey, we need at least a few Devil’s Advocates … besides, Mom and Dad 😉 – so, get to it, and …

Good Luck!

REMEMBER: However you want to participate in (or, even just to ‘watch from the sidelines’) this ‘grand experiment’; click here and sign up for e-mail updates, that way you will always be up to date!

PS If you’ve applied anywhere in the process, whether you’ve been featured yet or not, respond to my e-mail/s that you have hopefully kept in your in-box somewhere with the link to your NetworthIQ profile.

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Reader Comments

Looking forward to it, AJC! 😛

AJC…You are probably already aware, but just a FYI that NetWorthIQ was purchased by Strands in May. It might make sense to have a backup plan in place in the event that it does not remain available to the public in the coming months/years.

Good luck to all of the applicants/contestants! I’ll be enjoying from the sidelines…

Got it posted! Is there a way for you to find it, or do I need to do something else?

Okay – just re-read above and saw the PS ~ will do!! :}

@ Bags – If they’re smart, they’ll make sure that the profile remains in place; I have a private profile there (was public, but I realized that it was a lot higher than the $7 Mill that I talk about, so I removed it to stop confusion and replaced it with my $7 Million Dollar Journey on my other site:

@ Diane – I’ll send an e-mail out after Thursday’s Live Chat, because only the Final 30 really need to do this, for me (everybody else SHOULD do it for themselves!).

In the meantime, anybody who wants to do so, can reply to one of my e-mails (replying is better than a new e-mail so that I can keep the ‘thread’ together) attaching the link to their Networth IQ public profile.

Good luck Heidi!
I know your up against a lot of determined people.