Debbie asks …
Debbie asks …
I’m self employed and my earnings seem to only be limited by the amount of time I have to work… I’m trading “hours for dollars” at this point. I only have so many hours I can work, and I’m working during all of them 🙂 I’m in a lot of debt… and just about everything my husband and I earn is turned right back into our existing debt/bills. How do we get a head when we seem to be stuck ?
As I said to Scott, so much depends upon what your Life’s Purpose is … hence your Number / Date:
1. If your Number / Date is small / later you may simply be able to think of ways to maximize your Return Per Hour (there are plenty of blogs and books aimed at freelancers) and put in place some debt-reduction strategies (any good personal finance book/blog will show you how to do this) … patience, persistence, and time will take care of the rest.
2 However, if your Number / Date is large / soon you have to make some fundamental changes and eliminate that “time for money” trade-off …
… it is NEVER a good trade anyway:
Why would anybody trade a finite resource (time) for an infinite one (money)?!
Let’s wind-up Debbie Inc. and consider this time to start creating D Enterprises Inc. and/or D Investments Inc. 😉
I have the same issues Debbie – I freelance, and the only way to increase my income is to either work MORE hours (I already work a LOT), or find a way to work more efficiently so my hourly rate increases (not my strong point when a project is especially boring).
Just commiserating with ya!