Lee's Life Purpose

Lee’s Life Purpose
We’ve been having a lot of fun reworking our Life’s Purpose … and, it’s all for a good cause: working out how much money we need – and, when we need it š
I gave Scott a huge clue to figuring this out … the ‘secret’ is in your Rear Deck Speech: you are talking to your grandchildren. Let’s say they are 8 years old (twins, OK?) … will they roll their eyes like Lee’s did when he explained that he wanted to “Glorify God in everything he does” [you’ll see why when you read his post, below]? Probably, because “building relationships that build dreams” or “helping others” or “glorifying God” means everything to you, but is too abstract for them … so, you need to explain your Life – and, how you achieved your Purpose – in terms that they understand: by what you DID (i.e. the ACTIONS that you used to ‘help’; ‘glorify’; ‘build’) and what you HAVE (i.e. the 3-P’s: the PEOPLE you have around you; the POSSESSIONS that you have acquired; the PLACES you have been on the way to ‘helping’; ‘glorifying’; ‘building’).
And, before you start throwing lots of Ferraris and mansions into the mix – you may decide that you need ’em, but do you actually want to ‘brag’ about these to your grand kids? Do you want to make your grandchildren feel that the material comforts are important (are they really?) or are the 3-P’s the ones that you needed – at a minimum – to help fulfill/support your Life’s Purpose? Doesn’t mean you can’t have ’em … but, are you going to brag to your grand kids about ’em?
But, we’re jumping ahead of ourselves; here’s Lee’s post …
Wow this is tough especially since I don’t want to use this forum as my own personal pulpit (I am aĀ police Chaplain by profession and if wantĀ to learn more about police chaplains click hereĀ http://www.icpc4cops.org).
To discuss my “life Purpose” devoid of didactic preachy talk will be a real challenge butĀ I think I can do it, if you see that I’m not, then I guess you know where the “delete button is š
My first glance at the questions that Adrian asked us to answer regarding the development of our “Life Purpose” stopped at “if you could do things differently, what would you like to be doing in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?”Ā I already had the goal of establishing a Retreat Center for Police Officers and their spouses so that question was pretty easy to answer.Ā Next came the question “What is stopping you from doing things differently?”Ā Ā Well DUH… Money.Ā But two other questions kept pleading for an answer “What do you want your future to be like?” and “What are the things you value most in your life right now?”
At that point the formulation of my “Life Purpose” was set…”To Glorify God In Every Thing I do”.Ā I’m not sure that was what Adrian was looking for.Ā But he told us that it needed to be that which made the hairs on our neck stand up when we thought of it. For me it does just that.Ā But there’s more…
Let me quote country music star Tim McGraw (http://www.timmcgraw.com) from his song “Live Like You Were Dying” the chorus says:
“I went sky diving. I went rocky mountain climbing. I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fumanchu.Ā I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter and I gave forgiveness I’d been denying. And he said one day I hope you get a chance to live like you were dying.”
Now don’t get excitedĀ I’m not dying but some do’s and don’ts in my life are all found in the reality that I’m 60 years of age and on one hand I’m on the down hill side of lifeĀ but on the other hand I’m just getting my second wind and have the ability to be, do and go places I’ve never been before.Ā But in the midst of all that I still need to “Glorify God in every thing I do.”
We were asked to put together a “Rear Deck Speech” that we could tell to our Grandchildren when they ask “Granddaddy, tell me what made your life so special..?”Ā My answer?Ā “because I glorified God in every thing I did”.Ā By the way I actually have aĀ granddaughter who is 8 years old, she just rolled her eyes and said “what ever!”
Don’t Delete yet, there’s more.
Another Tim McGraw Song entitled “How Bad Do You Want it?” in the bridge of the song it says:
“There’s always a price you pay, no matter what you do, If you’re gonna climb that mountain to the top, it always comes down to:”
“How bad do you want it?Ā How bad do you need it?Ā Are you eatin’, sleepin’, dreamin’ with that one thing in mind? How bad do you want it? How bad do you need it? Cause if you want it all, you got to lay it all on the line.”
For me laying it all on the line is best said “Glorify God in Every thing I do”.
Sounds like you don’t need any personal money to do what you want to do, Lee. You need investors!
Consider this – if you can’t convince other people that your idea has merit – so that you can get contributions – then perhaps it doesn’t have merit.
What would be the impact on the world (whichever world you define it is, your community, the world-at-large, or the police community, or just the police community where you live) IF YOU DID NOT DO THIS?
If there’s no impact, what does that mean to you?
Have you considered what the needs are for your retreat?
How much land is needed?
How much/kind of living facilities would be needed?
What kind of restrictions/usage is needed (are we talking of a fishing/marriage counselor retreat, or something with a shooting range, or hunting fields)?
Can you borrow a boy scout camp during the off-season?
What kind of staff would be needed? Someone to cook? Someone to clean? Or could they be hired by the hour?
How many counselors would be needed?
How close are major roads and airports? Is this important to you?
If you started out small, and had something by next year, what would that be like? I suggest drawing it on a sheet of paper and figuring out what realistically in the way of usage you would have (1 couple? two couples?) Plan on not having enough room.
Then plan for growth. What would be needed in the next size/location/amenities up?
Can insurance cover the cost of the couples who participate? What other costs are not covered? Realistically, write these down and see how much they are. Talk to a friend who’s an accountant and see if they can figure out what you missed. Make sure you use an accountant who’s not a friend before you decide how much money you need to raise to do this.
Consider other non-profits – like AA and related groups – who could also be related to the work you do. Ask how their retreats work and are set up, using insurance. I wouldn’t expect police officers to have a lot of income to spend on retreats.
What kind of programs would you offer?
Re-read 4hour work week – Tim Ferris has a lot of good ideas for how to determine exactly what it is you need to do what you want to do, and breaking it down into smaller and smaller tasks that you can plan for doing a little bit at a time, a day at a time.
Good luck!