Ryan's "Lee's List"

Well, it didn’t really take very long, but my FIRST sales site is up and running … feel free to visit, and sign up to receive my 2nd eBook for FREE (don’t buy the 1st eBook mentioned in the ‘sales letter’ … it’s also available FREE to all of my readers, here).
Ryan also has an altruistic Purpose that mainly requires time. But, he also recognizes the need for philanthropy – not to mention a little personal ‘financial maintenance’ (read: debt reduction) …
In one of the most effective and enlightening self-improvement exercises I’ve ever done, I’ve calculated my “number” and put a lot of thought and research into determining what the things I need to achieve my goals and life purpose. Now separating what things are needed for my goals, and what is necessary for achieving my life purpose is proving to be a little bit more dicey. With my purpose being to “build relationships that build dreams”, I suppose I technically could do that now, in my spare time. The biggest problem with that is, with two small kids and a lot of hours on my “day job”, spare time, is a lacking resource. So, to truly effect the lives of others in a major positive way, I feel I need to replace my income and be debt free (~$225,000/year and a $660,000 mortgage). However, I can subtract about $45,000/year because I won’t have a mortgage payment.
This would certainly give me a lot more time to devote to helping others, but it would be a lot easier to get things moving on the philanthropy front if I had some funding to devote to giving people a hand up. I think $5000/ month ($60,000/ year) is a good start and if more is needed, fund raisers and other tactics can be employed at that time.
So it appears that, setting aside the dreams (some materialistic, some not) of my family and myself for now, to achieve the purpose of building dreams (for others), I will need (approximately and minimally), $5,460,000 in today’s money.
($225,000 – $45,000 + $60,000) * 20 + $660,000
@ Ryan – Your formula for Your Number is ‘spot on’ presuming that your Lifestyle stays static; house remains the same; and, there are no other major purchases (which, you can revisit if you like in the next step).
Have you thought of some examples of how you can “build relationships that build dreams”? That might point you to other ‘stuff’ that you NEED to Be/Do/Have [now, I’m doing the ‘Kiyosakiesque’ thing!]