KLE 1: Welcome to Wealth!

Welcome to the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System, for the next few months home to just 70 Millionaires … In Training!
You are now one of them, so please take time to review this site and familarize yourself with the Members Only Forum as that will be your primary help & support resource, and it’s where you will be encouraged to ask and answer questions … members helping members!
Although, I will also be lurking around the forums to lend a helping hand where needed …
Everything that you contribute to this site becomes Copyright and the sole property of the $7 Million 7 Years Wealth System; it’s how we build our library of Case Studies to keep your Guided Learning Experience current and to help future members! If you don’t agree, now is the time to opt out and claim your refund …
With the ‘housekeeping’ over and done with:
This site began as a ‘grand experiment’ in wealth-building, and was created by Adrian J Cartwood whose revolutionary blog $7million7years chronicles his own journey from $30k in debt to $7million in the bank in just 7 years!
In 2008 AJC decided to ‘give back’ by helping 7 ordinary people to become independently wealthy. In 2010, the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth system was born, expanded by more than 300% to cover all the stages of wealth.
Now, AJC’s goal is to help create …
… 70 Multi-Millionaires in just 7 Years!
No scams, no schemes … just good ol’ fashioned advice.
… and, a lot of hard work and fun!
In the forums, you will meet your compatriots – the other 70 Millionaires in Training (MITs) – and, here you will be guided along your own path to wealth. You will use the forums to share your stories and your problems, and you will have the opportunity to offer your own advice (and, perhaps ask your own questions) along with AJC.
It is my goal that the 70 MITs will make their own fortunes, in their chosen fields … and, that you will, too!
I hope that you, along with all the others who make up the 70 MITs, enjoy the journey!
Next time, I will share my own $7 million 7 year journey.
Now for today’s tasks (yes, this is a guided learning experience with homework!) …
Task 1: If you haven’t yet introduced yourself on the Members Only Forum, now is the time: click on this link (then come back here to complete the next task).
Task 2: If you haven’t already completed this form, now is the time; you need to qualify to continue with the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System (if you do not qualify, your payment will be refunded):
I think this is one of the most exciting things I will ever be involved in. I once attempted to get another rich gentleman to teach me how he amassed so much money, and he refused.
He had once given me a $70.00 tip ( I was a cabbie then) and for a short trip he tipped me $70. I told him he could keep his tip ,if he would just instruct me in how to attain financial freedom. He refused,saying I don’t really wish to know.
So,this will be exciting,not just for me, but for all involved.