Checkpoint 7: Finishing Post!
Congratulations are in order: you have finally completed [bar one more Bonus KLE … stay tuned!] the $7 Million 7 Year Wealth System.
Whether you choose to retire in the traditional sense (sitting on your hammock in the Caymans, drinking Pina Coladas) or check-out to fulfill some of your life-long dreams to [insert Life-After-Work dream of choice: help the under-privileged; meditate in an Indian ashram; start an amazing new enterprise; work part-time in your own crafts-stall; travel to all corners of the world; etc.], you have reached a point that few others have achieved in such a short time and at such a young age [or, young at heart].
And, even if you aren’t there yet, your journey has well and truly started …
In one way, your education is complete: in this course is everything that you need to understand, implement, then achieve the process of building wealth.
In another way, your learning is just beginning, because you need to learn the mechanics of your chosen field/s of endeavor; fortunately, books and resources abound.
Now, you have a framework to put them in, and advanced instructions that even the authors of these specialized courses probably don’t understand.
Some of the steps that we have taken may have seemed huge, but you will come back to those KLE’s time and time again, and – when the time is right – you will have reached the right level of understanding to be able to implement even those … you may not understand them yet, because now isn’t the right time.
On the other hand, you may feel that you haven’t advanced all that far, but that’s only because many of the individual steps have been very small; each KLE has been carefully crafted to deliver bit-sized concepts.
But, let me prove how far you have REALLY come:
When you began this guided learning experience, you may have had only a vague understanding of what it means to be rich.
Now, you have a clear vision for your future life, what and when you want to be doing it, right down to the date (Your Date) and the dollars (Your Number) … you even have a complete budget for your household spending, years down the track!
Most others have no idea what they are going to eat for breakfast, let alone how they are going to live years from now.
Then, you put in place a plan to sort out your finances once and for all, coming up with multiple strategies to ensure that you save every spare dollar … and, put it to work, the right way.
After, you worked your way through all of the possible ways to accelerate your income, by now (hopefully) working on an active business and/or investment strategy that will have your less visionary friends wondering what’s gotten into you.
But, not content with just an active plan to save money – then create more – you came up with backup plans to allow you to start building passive income and protect your future income from disaster … things that you – and your friends – only paid lip-service to before.
Finally, you managed to stop work, just as your friends are beginning to realize that what little they have done to secure their own financial future is probably too late. Not only have you stopped work – at least the kind of work where you are doing what somebody else wants you to be doing on their terms, rather than what you are now doing – but, you are now undertaking paid and/or unpaid activities of your own choice, on your own terms.
The reality is that you are probably only 3 to 12 months into your plan (the time that it takes most people to properly work through this eCourse), most likely still working on getting your financial house in order, while you make tentative attempts at starting a business and/or starting to actively invest.
That’s OK. Your real learning experience begins by putting into practice what you have read – and, worked through – here, and can take quite some time. But, your date is most likely still some years away, and you will find that your Net Worth, after a typically slow’ish start, quickly accelerates towards Your Number.
What you should do now is bookmark the Guided Learning Center and skim through it every few days, picking out one or two KLE’s that you want to review … and, do so! Review these KLE’s thoroughly and often. Come back to specific ones when you have financial decisions to make. You have a playbook that puts you at a distinct advantage.
Use it!
Before you ‘go’, please take the time to complete these final tasks, then I can wish you well on your own financial journey which will, in many ways, mirror mine:
Task 1: Which of these Modules (Your Roadmap To Wealth, Making Money 101 – Getting Your Financial House In Order; Making Money 201 – Accelerating Your Income; Making Money 301 – Protecting Your Wealth) are likely to be the most assistance to you on your financial journey?
Task 2: What specific KLE’s will you apply in the next 12 – 36 months to move you towards your Number?
Task 3: Take a look at ALL of the KLE’s (i.e. since the beginning of this eCourse): What Has Worked? What Has Not Worked?
Task 4: How close has this guided learning experience come to meeting your expectations? What would you improve or change?