AJC's List …

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AJC’s List

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As you can see, your Lee’s List need not be a long/detailed list, but I feel better for having written it … I hope it helps you. Please feel free to share yours 🙂

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Adrian, I like how your list is short. I recalculated my numbers last night and came up with the same $8-$8.5M needed in 5-6 years. I revised to six years as that is probably more realistic in terms of total – my sons are out of high school by then and my cash needs can be reduced by eliminating a certain calculation that goes into my monthly obligations. Otherwise, leaving it in wanted for another $2M it seemed…!

Work has EOY close-out of our contracts to a customer on-going, combined with team meetings to get going on the next year’s project(s) and a review of lessons learned. All of which require me to show up at work. I am also trying to pack, have a garage sale, then “git” to NC (comment for Mark) the following weekend.

@ Diane – …and get started on making $8.5M in 6 years! Guess you’ll be busy 🙂

@ Adrian – It’s interesting, my list on paper looks so similar to yours that it’s funny actually. The only difference is that I want to actually see patients in other parts of the world that can’t get good patient care and do this several times per year for free for them as part of my ‘helping others’ purpose, in additionally to possibly running a clinic for those who can’t afford to pay and have no health insurance(trying to work out the details on that one). The other ‘helping others’ part involves a lot of free time to write and teach others, teach seminars etc…

But the rest of my list looks almost identical to yours.

I guess I should have stated in my purpose statement that in addition to having the physical, spiritual, emotional and financial FREEDOM to help others, that I still need to travel physically, mentally and spiritually for myself! lol

@ Scott – I think we’ll see an interesting variety of lists, although I suspect at least one or two more will look like (now) ours … no right answers here 🙂

Some of the difficulty in placing a $$ value on our “Life Purpose” is because it is a living, breathing concept. It’s not a “still photograph” of what we want but rather a “motion picture” of what we are becoming. It won’t stay still long enough for us to accurately define it in a concrete fashion. The best we can do is clear a path on which it can travel.

It’s the path that has a $$ value.

@Adrian – I’m finding it more difficult to “cost” the items on the list given that things will change. For example, I can live in hostels and travel in economy now but as we grow older, we would like to be more comfortable. Do we cost things for the present or the future as well as we did in our “Number” exercise? I do know flying in business and first class is a lot nicer and you get to talk to interesting fellow passengers too. Regardless, having a list will help define us work towards them.

@Diane – Welcome to NC!

@ Mark – Cost what’s a “necessary” part of your Life’s Purpose … at the standard that you think you will NEED then, but in today’s dollars (for now).