Featured Finalist – Andrew

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Featured Finalist – Andrew

Andrew snuck this post in 2 minutes before the deadline … but, I am no stranger to deadlines … writing this 30 seconds before I am due to ‘go live’ on ajcfeed.com !

Here’s your better-late-than-never post, Andrew 🙂 ….

A few months ago I was taking a break from studying to watch my favorite TV show, Wall Street Warriors, for those of you that don’t know it is a reality show based on the lives of a variety of Wall Street professionals. In this episode a group of young Wall Streeters just out of college were out to dinner and came upon the topic of “f-you money”, f-you money is called such because it is the amount it would take for you to be able to walk into your boss office shout “f-you I quit” and walk out because you had enough money that it just didn’t matter. Now if I had a job (something I never want) I would never want to quit like that but nonetheless it got me thinking… how much is enough? How much money would it take for me to never need to work again? Through some thought and a few basic calculations I decided on about 7 million dollars. After picking this number, mostly just to humor myself I typed into Google “how to make 7 million dollars” and wouldn’t you know Adrian’s blog was the first thing that popped up.

While looking around the site I noticed the 7m7y project and was instantly interested, after checking Adrian’s bio to verify his entrepreneurial credentials I filled out the application. In the past I have found tremendous value in the personal advice of businessman and entrepreneurs and figured I had nothing to lose so why not? More than anything I decided to fill out the application for guidance; I believe that I have the mindset, the drive, and the ideas but I know I will still need help and advice during my pursuit of wealth. Being able to get feedback and guidance from both Adrian and the 7m7y community could prove to be the difference between failure and success.

It is because of this perceived assistance that I have continued with the program, I truly believe that there is tremendous value in what Adrian has offer and as we continue I have only become more interested in the program. Also I believe if you aren’t willing to put in a little work for 7 years of advice then getting rich probably isn’t for you.

Here are just a few of my thoughts on wealth, for me wealth is 500k a year of passive income, for some that may seem excessive but I say dream it dreamer, a lifestyle of wealth is meant to be lavish. I also believe financial advisors are entirely worthless and think that just about anyone could out perform one using index funds (although for the record my parents regular jo schmo advisor out performed the market with mutual funds for 20+ years by over three percent… yea I couldn’t believe it either).

Although I do have a background in web based endeavors I fully admit that my traffic building skills are limited at best. So to promote the site I used a couple different methods, first I started a twitter account for the purpose of promoting my potential 7m7y journey, I also posted on discussion boards where I thought the audience would be receptive to Adrian’s message, and I wrote articles about topics in which I was knowledgeable while using the signature box to promote the site.

So that’s me, and that’s why I am still here, I strive to be rich and I hope that whether you are one of the seven, a regular to the site, or someone just stopping by that you can achieve the same.

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